1,000 New Cases in Ebola Ravaged Sierra Leone

The country has surpassed Liberia… In the last 21 days, Sierra Leone has reported 1,319 new cases of Ebola virus infections, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports.   The country has surpassed Liberia, which has experienced a decrease in cases over the last four weeks with 225 new cases in the last 21 days. Liberia has reported7,719 cases of the disease so far, and Sierra Leone has reported 7,897. Sierra Leone is hardest hit in...

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250 Ebola volunteers to be trained by Nigerian Government

Premium Times The Federal Ministry of Health has begun to the train volunteers to be sent to help contain the Ebola Virus in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Secretary of FMoH, Linus Awute, made the disclosure at the opening of The Ebola Containment Training in Lagos on Monday. Mr. Awute, represented by Abdulsalami Nasidi, Director, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, said that there were 504 volunteers. Mr. Nasidi said the first batch...

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The Dark Side of Cuba’s Ebola Economy

The communist government’s medical missionaries win praise for the regime, but they are victims, too. If you ask most people what Cuba is famous for they probably will name two things: rum and cigars. But if you ask leftists what Cuba is famous for they will usually say something altogether different: healthcare and education.Despite all the government oppression and poverty and the endless speeches by el líder maximo and his sibling, the Cuban...

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Liberians Urged to Travel Last Mile to Beat Ebola

Liberia’s president is urging her countrymen to travel the “very difficult last mile” to rid remote areas of Ebola. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has set the goal of stopping Ebola transmission by the end of the year, a target that appears unrealistic but may be useful as a way to ensure people don’t get complacent as infection rates stabilize in Liberia. There are concerns that, as the disease retreats, lax hygiene practices...

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Liberia no longer top of Ebola list, Sierra Leone ‘Out of control’

Sierra Leone is struggling to contain the deadliest-ever Ebola outbreak. Sierra Leone has overtaken neighbouring Liberia as the country with the highest number of Ebola cases, the latest World Health Organization figures suggest. Its latest estimate of the cumulative number of cases since the start of the outbreak in March now stands at 7,780 in Sierra Leone and 7,719 in Liberia. In Guinea, the figure is 2,283. The virus has killed more than 6,300...

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Ebola costs Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone $2 billion: World Bank

WASHINGTON/MONROVIA – The World Bank on Tuesday pledged further assistance to Liberia, the country worst hit by Ebola, and revealed that the epidemic would cost more than $2 billion across the region, causing once-booming economies to slow down or shrink. The report comes as the World Bank Group’s president, Jim Yong Kim, begins a two-day visit to West Africa to discuss ways of addressing the outbreak, which has already killed more...

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Obama urges Congress to approve $6 billion for Ebola fight

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to approve $6.18 billion to help fight the Ebola outbreak, reminding them that even though the story has faded from the headlines, the battle against the virus is far from over. “Every hotspot is an ember that if not contained can become a new fire, so we cannot let down our guard even for a minute,” Obama said. “And we can’t just fight this epidemic. We...

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WHO says Liberia wrongly added 1,000 deaths to Ebola toll

Dec 1 (Reuters) – A surge in Ebola deaths reported by the World Health Organization at the weekend was due to about 1,000 Liberian deaths wrongly ascribed to the disease that would be removed, WHO assistant director general Bruce Aylward said on Monday. “Liberia’s figures came in but they’ve since said these were actually non-Ebola deaths that were reported as part of our Ebola deaths and we will be taking them off. So...

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Ebola is crippling the economies of three countries

The international response to Ebola is still too slow and piecemeal, Doctors Without Borders warned Tuesday, as officials said the disease is crippling the economies of the three West African countries hardest hit. Ebola has infected nearly 17,000 people, of which about 6,000 have died, according to the World Health Organization. The vast majority of infections are in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, poor countries that have been left to handle...

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